Evangelism06 Jun 2006 09:12 am

The national media’s spotlight on the date 6-6-06 brings new opportunities for Christians to talk about the significance of that number, as well as the more important significance of a Savior who has died in our place so that we need not fear anything that the devil will throw at us.

While some will celebrate with parties which poke fun at this unique number, let us join the conversation in sharing the number 333: 3 the number of wise men who were led by God to bring gifts to a baby born in a stable. 3, the number of nails which held our Savior to a cross in our place. 3, the day during which Christ rose from the dead.

The antiChrist is real, and his times will come or may already have started. The Christ has come, has suffered and died, and lives with God forever.

Christ, the son of God, he is the one we should be talking about.